Wednesday, December 29, 2004

It's a Resume, Not a Job Description

If a resume reads like a job description, it won't get attention. Lose the word "responsible". "Responsible" shows up throughout a job description given to an employee when they first start a job. "Responsible" is the minimum expectation for performing a job. A Resume should show how expectations were exceeded and significantly contributed to making a difference in the success of a department / organization.

Use action words. For goodness sake, take advantage of the Thesaurus usually provided with most word processors.

Some suggested actions words are:

Developed ....

Implemented ....

Coordinated .....

Managed ....

Initiated ....

Directed ....

Increased ....

Accomplished ....

Realized ....

Completed ....

Achieved ....

Motivated ....

Performed ....

Executed ....

Effected ....

Impacted ....

Influenced ....

Operated ....

Activated ....

Administered ....

Monday, December 27, 2004

Carry Your Resume Everywhere, NOT

Will you carry your resume everywhere you go? Don't miss out on an opportunity when you unexpectedly meet someone. Click here for a smart alternative to carrying around your resume.