Beyond submitting a resume to want ads, job posting boards and mass mailings to the abyss of corporate America, consider making time, each week, to meet new people. Create your own known network, as opposed to sending your resume to people in the unknown network.
Biba F. Pedron, CEO & President of Biba4Network provides a great strategy for attracting people to read your resume. In her article "How to Maximize the Benefits of a Networking Event" she provides some quick tips for meeting new people.
Every person you meet, becomes your known network. Think of each person as a gateway to pass on your resume to their known network.
4 suggestions, as you step out
1. Leave your resume at home
2. Print business cards to give people
3. Focus in giving, before receiving a referral
4. When you land a job, continue stepping out
"It's better to give, than receive. Because what goes around, comes around." slogan of Gotham City Networking, Inc.
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